
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Obama vs. Clinton, Going Out with a Booming Fight

This is the ultimate political career ending dispute.

If Obama wins with her resignation, Hillary will never be able to run for the oval office.  If the Clinton’s win, Obama is out in one term, Romney sits for one term and Hillary is out running for president in a good position to win in just five years instead of potentially in nine to thirteen years if Obama sits for another four years.

In recent months the dislike of Obama and Clinton have for one another has been surfacing slowly.  Most recently the terrorist attack on the American consultant in Libya has been the most blatant quarrel in open view.  It has been a political volleying match which is now in Obama’s court.

Since the democratic race in 2007, these two have clawed and created an all-time low for dirty politics at one another.  The democrat party held two historic potentials, first African-American candidate or first female candidate to become president.  The democrats decided first African-American trumps first female.  Since Obama reigned king and was nominated, in order to keep the power house Clinton’s still on board, Hillary was given the Secretary of State position to ease the bruised ego of the Clinton’s.  I am sure Bill stomped his feet until the party assured him Hillary would be given the historically most televised position in the cabinet.
It is widely said Hillary Clinton is the hardest working person in Obama cabinet.  Forget her politics and her lack of background qualifying her for this role, she is a hard worker.  The Clinton’s have a plan.
The second publicized bash to the Clinton ego was the fact President Bush called upon former President Bill Clinton for advice more often than Obama.
Over the past couple years they have kept their dislike pretty quiet.  This is an election year and is too good of an opportunity for the Clintons to bite back.  First, Bill Clinton’s campaigning efforts have been very limited.  He has made a couple speeches and shakes Obama’s hand but the world already knows they do not like one another.
Second, Hillary is tossing all the attention on the Obama administration concerning these attacks.  The Clinton’s ego is eyeing its future in American politics and wants to be the undisputed champion.  If they can manage to get Hillary elected, two major historic points will occur; first female president and husband/wife presidents.  The latter will likely never happen again.  This could establish them even more well-known than the Kennedy’s.  This may actually change the world perception of a sexual deviant Bill Clinton.  (I doubt it, because of him, the American President is now portrayed with an unsatisfiable appetite for sex in movies and punch line jokes.)

This is the last round, each going for the knock out.  Obama is attempting to place Hillary’s head on the proverbial chopping block by citing the American consultant was denied by her office the security it requested to stay safe.  Obama has already officially requested she look into and provide answers.
Instead of answers her office informed the media that her office provided the assessment in a conference call with staff aides to House and Senate lawmakers from appropriate committees and leadership offices on the evening of Sept. 12.
The volley back to Obama, we have forgotten about why did the State Department fail to act and are now focused on Obama’s administration failing and covering it up.  Approximately four days after the informative conference call, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice went on several widely broadcasted TV shows with a completely different story still toting the attacks were not terrorist but spontaneous protesters gone crazy.  Susan is already being called to resign, but as not yet.
Obama refused to publicly acknowledge the attacks a terrorist attack for many reasons (See my post Desprite Agendas) but here is another point with powerful sway:

“Fox News and other news organizations have previously reported that earlier on Sept. 12 -- within 24 hours of learning about the murders -- the Obama administration made a secret determination that Benghazi was indeed a terrorist attack. Doing so enabled them, under the terms of a 2001 anti-terrorism statute, to move men, money and materiel around more freely, and position these assets to meet the threats in Libya and other parts of the Mideast that had recently seen attacks on U.S. installations. Kennedy's assessment accorded with that determination. “*

Obama secretly acknowledged it a terrorist attack to move money, men and materials around?  We know men and materials did not move, it took the FBI over two weeks to go and investigate and were out within two days.  So if men and materials weren’t moved, what money was moved?

Who will win, Obama getting Hillary to resign and closing her dreams of the oval office or will the Clinton’s win quietly assisting Romney take the oval office in 2013?

Jared Taylor

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

RCS Special: How We Got Into This Mess

No one likes to take responsibility any more.  It is a lost art.  Blame the other person and dirty them so much, they have to take the fall.  In 2006 our economy declined rapidly.  Starting with the housing market, Investment Banks became the scapegoat.  That started a war, Wall St. vs. Main St.  And Wall St. was the oversized bully while Main St. was the underdog that just could not compete.

The real problem was when Main St. looked in the mirror, they saw an inflated image of themselves rather than what they really were.


 Main St. wanted to be Wall St., attempted and failed in a big way.

 Here is a synopsis of how it happened.

In early 2000’s Wall St., like every business of every size wanted to find new markets to tap into and make more money.  The housing market was ripe for the picking.  These Investment Banks created a new tool allowing themselves to open new investments, sub-prime mortgages.  Sub-prime incense means, you should not have this loan but we (the bank) are going to gamble on you.  It is a high risk loan, if the risk sustains to reward, there is greater reward at the end.

Self-inflated Main St. came along and said yes to these high risks loans brushing aside the responsibility and requirements to sustain such loans.  Investment Banks boomed.

The side effect of this boom was a false housing supply shortage causing prices to skyrocket.  Left and right people were selling since it was a seller’s market and people who should not be buying were purchasing more than they should with dreams of the property value to continue upwards.  Like every day of the year, even good days, they come to an end.  At the end of the day those who had purchased more than they should felt like Wall St. cheated them and it was not their fault for signing a loan they couldn’t afford.  Slowly Main St. stopped paying the mortgage to Wall St.  “Why should I pay this mortgage if my house is not worth anything”, was a very popular question and still is.  Foreclosures started.


Before America figured out they could not afford their new found wealth in home ownership, the Investment Banks knew the reality that owning a home is not an asset, it is a liability.  And they did not want that liability.

Here is where it gets a little tricky.  To off load that liability the Investment Banks created a new tool called Debt Obligations.  Instead of one mortgage paying for itself, they grouped sub-prime mortgages together creating a pool of mortgages all paying into one box.  As Main St. paid the box would slowly fill to cover the cost of the loans.  That box was sliced into three sections and tiered.  When tier 1 filled it would over flow and start filling tier 2 and when tier 2 filled it would overflow to tier 3.

(Please accuse the amateurish picture I made to illustrate.)
Tier 1, was given a rating of “AAA”, theoretically the safest type of bond to invest in.  Tier 2 inherently a little more risky, was given a “BBB” rating.  And tier 3, was not rated at all because of the high risk.  Hedge funds love high risk by the way, so there was something for everyone.  Investment Banks started selling these new debt obligations to other banks and investors like hot cakes.  Investment banks were making money and passing the risk to the next guy and the hot potato risk game starts.

Inevitably, Main St. stopped paying, and foreclosures started.  The game of hot potato is over.  Those holding the liability were stuck with it.  No one wanted to buy these new debt obligations, the investment went bust and company who got caught with the potato went bankrupt.

The economic downturn starts and Main St. holds Corporate Wall St. responsible.

So who is the real culprit of the economic downturn?  Is it the fool that leads or the fool that follows?  Investment Banks knew what they were doing was foolish, but those who took mortgages they could not afford also did something foolish.

United We Stand, United We Fall.  We got ourselves into this together; we need to get ourselves out of this together.  The federal government is only prolonging the Band-Aid theory.  Rip it off quickly, be down with it and move on.

Under President Bush, TARP was enacted because we could not let the banking industry fail.  It would create a catastrophic economic effect.  I disagree, let those who fail, fail.  Making way for those who will create.  It is like a dead tree failing in the woods, once it is allowed to fall/fail, it opens up sunlight to reach the ground allowing several trees to grow in its place.

Under President Obama he continues the pain by trying to subsidize everything creating two problems; One: False market; Two: Out of control spending.  Are these not the exact same two points that got us into this mess?  Wall St. creating a false market and Main St.’s out of control spending.  What got us in will not get us out.

Common Sense says: If you fall into a ditch you do not get out by jumping into another ditch.  It only leaves you further in the whole.  Our country has been in the red for a long time and we are allowing Washington D.C. to jump into another ditch, also becoming more commonly known as a “double dip recession”.  We must replace those who support a double dip recession with someone who understands business practice and not theory.

Jared Taylor

Monday, October 1, 2012

Arrogant Entitlement

Senator Barack Obama in an interview with NBC’s Matt Lauer on February 2, 2009: (Lauer an Obama supporter making a point against the GOP spending)

Lauer: “At some point, will you say, ‘Wait a minute – we’ve spent this amount of money, but we’re not seeing results, we’ve got to change course dramatically’?”

Obama: “…A year from now, I think that people are going to see that we’re starting to make some progress, but there’s still going to be some pain out there. If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”

Obama has spent more money in his first three years than President Bush did in 8 years.  I will bring up Bush since the Obama administration still love to point their finger at him.  Obama claimed in one year economic progress will be made, but let’s give him a little breathing room, in almost four years, have we made economic progress?  Even “some” progress?

John Marriotti (author of bestseller Hope is not a Strategy) on August 21, 2012 in a contribution to had this to say about Bush and Obama:

“But that was then, and this is now. Since Obama took office the situation has gotten much, much worse. Obama has run up the deficit at more than twice the rate Bush did. During the first quarter of 2011, the US economy “barely grew” —at 0.4%—that was followed by second quarter’s “anemic growth” of 1%. This was during the period when the Obama recovery was supposed to be well underway. Employment data is unremittingly terrible: new jobless claims are stuck at 400,000+/- each month, with job creation well below what it takes just to absorb new workforce entrants. More Americans have been unemployed longer than ever in our history. And looking ahead, the news is not good.”

Will President Obama hold himself to the same regard that he has Senator Obama held the Republicans at?

The answer is an outrageous “NO!”  How could he the almighty Obama take responsibility?  In his own mind he is a saint, a scholar, a gentleman who possess’ an advanced understanding and intellect that the common man just does not understand and should not question.  He will not be held to the same regard as the Republicans, he feels he is far better.  He does not need to lower himself down to work across party lines.  Why should he?  He knows all and the Republicans are racist for not seeing him AS the answer.

I am sorry Mr. President, but you are not the answer.  You do not have the answers.  Nor do you possess’ the understanding or intellect to achieve the answers the United States requires now, not an idealistic pipe dream down the road.  Your economic plan as failed us all but we the people are the ones who suffer. 
We struggle to pay our bills, put gas in our cars and put food on the table.  How dare you stand in front of the worst economy in decades after almost four years of YOUR failed policy’s and try to play dodge ball.  You are not entitled to the oval office.  Take responsibility, own up to your failures and maybe people will respect you.

Common Sense says:  This president must go.  This country needs responsible leadership not pandering egos. No more whining Obama, you wanted this job so badly in 2008, you got it in 2008.  Now take responsibility.  (I feel like I am talking to a child, not an intellectual scholar)

Jared Taylor