
Friday, November 9, 2012

America Paralyzed by Our Own Laziness

Turns out Mitts 47% comment was more accurate than most will admit.  If 47% of Americans rely on Government help rather than helping themselves, how could you image them voting for someone who says work for the American dream.  Don’t just sit there, get up, and work for it.  And I promise to help you get there through a healthy economy.  When all they have to do is just sit around and do nothing and they are guaranteed food, shelter, phones, free college, etc.  Most of the 47% have every reason in the world to succeed, will they have to overcome hardships, but who doesn’t?  For various reasons which are genuine, some need the government entitlements.  I believe there needs to be a safety net for the select few who truly need it, assistance for those who need short term help to get back on their feet.

This country is becoming paralyzed by our own laziness.  The United States became a world power in record speed and became so wealthy because the majority of the country was hard working individuals who did not live off of others.  If you remove the producers of industry, producers of finance and producers of jobs and replace them with government entitlements, the whole system will crash!  There is a reason why Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged becomes a renewed number one best seller when the economy is down.

Generation from generation the sense of entitlement is becoming more apparent and more openly brazen.  Kids feel they should have cell phones, iPods, laptops, video games, TV’s just because they deserve it.  Not because they work hard and save the money they earned from chores and helping neighbors, but because Mom and Dad should give it to them.  They don’t earn it, so they don’t take care of it.  Ask yourself if you have kids and have bought them an iPod touch or a smart phone, how quickly did your child break the screen?  If they spent months earning the money, enjoyed the thrill of buying something expensive with their own money, I bet the time frame would have been a lot longer then you handing them an iPod or smart phone.

The point is, parents are getting weaker and children are getting stronger.  With each passing generation, it perpetuates a little more.  The embolden children just give more to the next generation feeling as though they did not get what they wanted as a child, so they are going to give it to theirs now.

Baby boomers wake up to the mess you have started.  The first generation after World War II, to break the strong family environment, millions turned hippies with mind expanding drugs with two mottos; 1. Don’t trust anyone over thirty; 2. Do what makes you feel good.

Those two mottos have continued and are rotting America from inside out.  1. Those that started the motto are now well over thirty, and guess what, the generations after you, don’t exactly trust you with their future; 2. The free spirit of doing what makes you feel good still lives on stronger than ever with a different label, “entitlements”.  You don’t want to work, no worries, government entitlements will support the necessities and some luxuries while you do what makes you feel good.

What this country needs is a good kick in the pants. 
The strong parents once there to teach their child how to produce for themselves, take responsibility, sacrifice for greater good are long gone.  We are now left with adult children not teaching anything to the children, but rather handing them electronics or anything that will keep them quite.

Unfortunately desperation may be the only way left to teach.  With President Obama re-elected, he can be completely open to accomplishing his true goals of socialism in America.  He doesn’t have to worry about re-election anymore.  He is quickly driving this country into being more government dependent.  But what happens when the majority of the country depends on the government?  The government strangles the producing private sector through taxes to support its over commitment to give money away to people who are not producing anything.  Inevitably the money producing well of the private sector will dry up and die and along with it, everyone else too.  Even the government needs to get money somewhere to hand out.

Under Obama we may see more than 47% relying on the government.  When that number hits over 50%, it will start slowly.  That 50% of unproductive will grow and grow inherently weakening the private sector.  The private sector will continue to drop, 47% producing to carry everyone, then 45% producing, then 43% producing.  Then the desperation will be more and more apparent.

Hard work builds character and builds a better future.  America get off the cough, get to work.  Sacrifice to build a brighter future for your children.  Teach your children the value of earning a dollar rather than giving it to them.  Align our government to do it constitutional requirements, the American government should not require a secretary of business, we have a chamber of commerce already.  They should not be giving out money but rather encouraging those who produce to produce more.

RCS: Says free markets should be free of government control.  The government should only referee to make sure everyone plays by the same rules.  In this country we have the right to pursue happiness, if your happiness is in not working hard, then so be it.  But only you should pay for the consequences of not working hard and sacrificing.  My happiness comes from working hard, sacrificing to build a better future for my family.  Right now my hard work and future is being robbed of me to pay for others current laziness.  This is not the America the founders worked hard for and sacrificed for.
Jared Taylor