
Friday, November 9, 2012

America Paralyzed by Our Own Laziness

Turns out Mitts 47% comment was more accurate than most will admit.  If 47% of Americans rely on Government help rather than helping themselves, how could you image them voting for someone who says work for the American dream.  Don’t just sit there, get up, and work for it.  And I promise to help you get there through a healthy economy.  When all they have to do is just sit around and do nothing and they are guaranteed food, shelter, phones, free college, etc.  Most of the 47% have every reason in the world to succeed, will they have to overcome hardships, but who doesn’t?  For various reasons which are genuine, some need the government entitlements.  I believe there needs to be a safety net for the select few who truly need it, assistance for those who need short term help to get back on their feet.

This country is becoming paralyzed by our own laziness.  The United States became a world power in record speed and became so wealthy because the majority of the country was hard working individuals who did not live off of others.  If you remove the producers of industry, producers of finance and producers of jobs and replace them with government entitlements, the whole system will crash!  There is a reason why Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged becomes a renewed number one best seller when the economy is down.

Generation from generation the sense of entitlement is becoming more apparent and more openly brazen.  Kids feel they should have cell phones, iPods, laptops, video games, TV’s just because they deserve it.  Not because they work hard and save the money they earned from chores and helping neighbors, but because Mom and Dad should give it to them.  They don’t earn it, so they don’t take care of it.  Ask yourself if you have kids and have bought them an iPod touch or a smart phone, how quickly did your child break the screen?  If they spent months earning the money, enjoyed the thrill of buying something expensive with their own money, I bet the time frame would have been a lot longer then you handing them an iPod or smart phone.

The point is, parents are getting weaker and children are getting stronger.  With each passing generation, it perpetuates a little more.  The embolden children just give more to the next generation feeling as though they did not get what they wanted as a child, so they are going to give it to theirs now.

Baby boomers wake up to the mess you have started.  The first generation after World War II, to break the strong family environment, millions turned hippies with mind expanding drugs with two mottos; 1. Don’t trust anyone over thirty; 2. Do what makes you feel good.

Those two mottos have continued and are rotting America from inside out.  1. Those that started the motto are now well over thirty, and guess what, the generations after you, don’t exactly trust you with their future; 2. The free spirit of doing what makes you feel good still lives on stronger than ever with a different label, “entitlements”.  You don’t want to work, no worries, government entitlements will support the necessities and some luxuries while you do what makes you feel good.

What this country needs is a good kick in the pants. 
The strong parents once there to teach their child how to produce for themselves, take responsibility, sacrifice for greater good are long gone.  We are now left with adult children not teaching anything to the children, but rather handing them electronics or anything that will keep them quite.

Unfortunately desperation may be the only way left to teach.  With President Obama re-elected, he can be completely open to accomplishing his true goals of socialism in America.  He doesn’t have to worry about re-election anymore.  He is quickly driving this country into being more government dependent.  But what happens when the majority of the country depends on the government?  The government strangles the producing private sector through taxes to support its over commitment to give money away to people who are not producing anything.  Inevitably the money producing well of the private sector will dry up and die and along with it, everyone else too.  Even the government needs to get money somewhere to hand out.

Under Obama we may see more than 47% relying on the government.  When that number hits over 50%, it will start slowly.  That 50% of unproductive will grow and grow inherently weakening the private sector.  The private sector will continue to drop, 47% producing to carry everyone, then 45% producing, then 43% producing.  Then the desperation will be more and more apparent.

Hard work builds character and builds a better future.  America get off the cough, get to work.  Sacrifice to build a brighter future for your children.  Teach your children the value of earning a dollar rather than giving it to them.  Align our government to do it constitutional requirements, the American government should not require a secretary of business, we have a chamber of commerce already.  They should not be giving out money but rather encouraging those who produce to produce more.

RCS: Says free markets should be free of government control.  The government should only referee to make sure everyone plays by the same rules.  In this country we have the right to pursue happiness, if your happiness is in not working hard, then so be it.  But only you should pay for the consequences of not working hard and sacrificing.  My happiness comes from working hard, sacrificing to build a better future for my family.  Right now my hard work and future is being robbed of me to pay for others current laziness.  This is not the America the founders worked hard for and sacrificed for.
Jared Taylor

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Obama vs. Clinton, Going Out with a Booming Fight

This is the ultimate political career ending dispute.

If Obama wins with her resignation, Hillary will never be able to run for the oval office.  If the Clinton’s win, Obama is out in one term, Romney sits for one term and Hillary is out running for president in a good position to win in just five years instead of potentially in nine to thirteen years if Obama sits for another four years.

In recent months the dislike of Obama and Clinton have for one another has been surfacing slowly.  Most recently the terrorist attack on the American consultant in Libya has been the most blatant quarrel in open view.  It has been a political volleying match which is now in Obama’s court.

Since the democratic race in 2007, these two have clawed and created an all-time low for dirty politics at one another.  The democrat party held two historic potentials, first African-American candidate or first female candidate to become president.  The democrats decided first African-American trumps first female.  Since Obama reigned king and was nominated, in order to keep the power house Clinton’s still on board, Hillary was given the Secretary of State position to ease the bruised ego of the Clinton’s.  I am sure Bill stomped his feet until the party assured him Hillary would be given the historically most televised position in the cabinet.
It is widely said Hillary Clinton is the hardest working person in Obama cabinet.  Forget her politics and her lack of background qualifying her for this role, she is a hard worker.  The Clinton’s have a plan.
The second publicized bash to the Clinton ego was the fact President Bush called upon former President Bill Clinton for advice more often than Obama.
Over the past couple years they have kept their dislike pretty quiet.  This is an election year and is too good of an opportunity for the Clintons to bite back.  First, Bill Clinton’s campaigning efforts have been very limited.  He has made a couple speeches and shakes Obama’s hand but the world already knows they do not like one another.
Second, Hillary is tossing all the attention on the Obama administration concerning these attacks.  The Clinton’s ego is eyeing its future in American politics and wants to be the undisputed champion.  If they can manage to get Hillary elected, two major historic points will occur; first female president and husband/wife presidents.  The latter will likely never happen again.  This could establish them even more well-known than the Kennedy’s.  This may actually change the world perception of a sexual deviant Bill Clinton.  (I doubt it, because of him, the American President is now portrayed with an unsatisfiable appetite for sex in movies and punch line jokes.)

This is the last round, each going for the knock out.  Obama is attempting to place Hillary’s head on the proverbial chopping block by citing the American consultant was denied by her office the security it requested to stay safe.  Obama has already officially requested she look into and provide answers.
Instead of answers her office informed the media that her office provided the assessment in a conference call with staff aides to House and Senate lawmakers from appropriate committees and leadership offices on the evening of Sept. 12.
The volley back to Obama, we have forgotten about why did the State Department fail to act and are now focused on Obama’s administration failing and covering it up.  Approximately four days after the informative conference call, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice went on several widely broadcasted TV shows with a completely different story still toting the attacks were not terrorist but spontaneous protesters gone crazy.  Susan is already being called to resign, but as not yet.
Obama refused to publicly acknowledge the attacks a terrorist attack for many reasons (See my post Desprite Agendas) but here is another point with powerful sway:

“Fox News and other news organizations have previously reported that earlier on Sept. 12 -- within 24 hours of learning about the murders -- the Obama administration made a secret determination that Benghazi was indeed a terrorist attack. Doing so enabled them, under the terms of a 2001 anti-terrorism statute, to move men, money and materiel around more freely, and position these assets to meet the threats in Libya and other parts of the Mideast that had recently seen attacks on U.S. installations. Kennedy's assessment accorded with that determination. “*

Obama secretly acknowledged it a terrorist attack to move money, men and materials around?  We know men and materials did not move, it took the FBI over two weeks to go and investigate and were out within two days.  So if men and materials weren’t moved, what money was moved?

Who will win, Obama getting Hillary to resign and closing her dreams of the oval office or will the Clinton’s win quietly assisting Romney take the oval office in 2013?

Jared Taylor

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

RCS Special: How We Got Into This Mess

No one likes to take responsibility any more.  It is a lost art.  Blame the other person and dirty them so much, they have to take the fall.  In 2006 our economy declined rapidly.  Starting with the housing market, Investment Banks became the scapegoat.  That started a war, Wall St. vs. Main St.  And Wall St. was the oversized bully while Main St. was the underdog that just could not compete.

The real problem was when Main St. looked in the mirror, they saw an inflated image of themselves rather than what they really were.


 Main St. wanted to be Wall St., attempted and failed in a big way.

 Here is a synopsis of how it happened.

In early 2000’s Wall St., like every business of every size wanted to find new markets to tap into and make more money.  The housing market was ripe for the picking.  These Investment Banks created a new tool allowing themselves to open new investments, sub-prime mortgages.  Sub-prime incense means, you should not have this loan but we (the bank) are going to gamble on you.  It is a high risk loan, if the risk sustains to reward, there is greater reward at the end.

Self-inflated Main St. came along and said yes to these high risks loans brushing aside the responsibility and requirements to sustain such loans.  Investment Banks boomed.

The side effect of this boom was a false housing supply shortage causing prices to skyrocket.  Left and right people were selling since it was a seller’s market and people who should not be buying were purchasing more than they should with dreams of the property value to continue upwards.  Like every day of the year, even good days, they come to an end.  At the end of the day those who had purchased more than they should felt like Wall St. cheated them and it was not their fault for signing a loan they couldn’t afford.  Slowly Main St. stopped paying the mortgage to Wall St.  “Why should I pay this mortgage if my house is not worth anything”, was a very popular question and still is.  Foreclosures started.


Before America figured out they could not afford their new found wealth in home ownership, the Investment Banks knew the reality that owning a home is not an asset, it is a liability.  And they did not want that liability.

Here is where it gets a little tricky.  To off load that liability the Investment Banks created a new tool called Debt Obligations.  Instead of one mortgage paying for itself, they grouped sub-prime mortgages together creating a pool of mortgages all paying into one box.  As Main St. paid the box would slowly fill to cover the cost of the loans.  That box was sliced into three sections and tiered.  When tier 1 filled it would over flow and start filling tier 2 and when tier 2 filled it would overflow to tier 3.

(Please accuse the amateurish picture I made to illustrate.)
Tier 1, was given a rating of “AAA”, theoretically the safest type of bond to invest in.  Tier 2 inherently a little more risky, was given a “BBB” rating.  And tier 3, was not rated at all because of the high risk.  Hedge funds love high risk by the way, so there was something for everyone.  Investment Banks started selling these new debt obligations to other banks and investors like hot cakes.  Investment banks were making money and passing the risk to the next guy and the hot potato risk game starts.

Inevitably, Main St. stopped paying, and foreclosures started.  The game of hot potato is over.  Those holding the liability were stuck with it.  No one wanted to buy these new debt obligations, the investment went bust and company who got caught with the potato went bankrupt.

The economic downturn starts and Main St. holds Corporate Wall St. responsible.

So who is the real culprit of the economic downturn?  Is it the fool that leads or the fool that follows?  Investment Banks knew what they were doing was foolish, but those who took mortgages they could not afford also did something foolish.

United We Stand, United We Fall.  We got ourselves into this together; we need to get ourselves out of this together.  The federal government is only prolonging the Band-Aid theory.  Rip it off quickly, be down with it and move on.

Under President Bush, TARP was enacted because we could not let the banking industry fail.  It would create a catastrophic economic effect.  I disagree, let those who fail, fail.  Making way for those who will create.  It is like a dead tree failing in the woods, once it is allowed to fall/fail, it opens up sunlight to reach the ground allowing several trees to grow in its place.

Under President Obama he continues the pain by trying to subsidize everything creating two problems; One: False market; Two: Out of control spending.  Are these not the exact same two points that got us into this mess?  Wall St. creating a false market and Main St.’s out of control spending.  What got us in will not get us out.

Common Sense says: If you fall into a ditch you do not get out by jumping into another ditch.  It only leaves you further in the whole.  Our country has been in the red for a long time and we are allowing Washington D.C. to jump into another ditch, also becoming more commonly known as a “double dip recession”.  We must replace those who support a double dip recession with someone who understands business practice and not theory.

Jared Taylor

Monday, October 1, 2012

Arrogant Entitlement

Senator Barack Obama in an interview with NBC’s Matt Lauer on February 2, 2009: (Lauer an Obama supporter making a point against the GOP spending)

Lauer: “At some point, will you say, ‘Wait a minute – we’ve spent this amount of money, but we’re not seeing results, we’ve got to change course dramatically’?”

Obama: “…A year from now, I think that people are going to see that we’re starting to make some progress, but there’s still going to be some pain out there. If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”

Obama has spent more money in his first three years than President Bush did in 8 years.  I will bring up Bush since the Obama administration still love to point their finger at him.  Obama claimed in one year economic progress will be made, but let’s give him a little breathing room, in almost four years, have we made economic progress?  Even “some” progress?

John Marriotti (author of bestseller Hope is not a Strategy) on August 21, 2012 in a contribution to had this to say about Bush and Obama:

“But that was then, and this is now. Since Obama took office the situation has gotten much, much worse. Obama has run up the deficit at more than twice the rate Bush did. During the first quarter of 2011, the US economy “barely grew” —at 0.4%—that was followed by second quarter’s “anemic growth” of 1%. This was during the period when the Obama recovery was supposed to be well underway. Employment data is unremittingly terrible: new jobless claims are stuck at 400,000+/- each month, with job creation well below what it takes just to absorb new workforce entrants. More Americans have been unemployed longer than ever in our history. And looking ahead, the news is not good.”

Will President Obama hold himself to the same regard that he has Senator Obama held the Republicans at?

The answer is an outrageous “NO!”  How could he the almighty Obama take responsibility?  In his own mind he is a saint, a scholar, a gentleman who possess’ an advanced understanding and intellect that the common man just does not understand and should not question.  He will not be held to the same regard as the Republicans, he feels he is far better.  He does not need to lower himself down to work across party lines.  Why should he?  He knows all and the Republicans are racist for not seeing him AS the answer.

I am sorry Mr. President, but you are not the answer.  You do not have the answers.  Nor do you possess’ the understanding or intellect to achieve the answers the United States requires now, not an idealistic pipe dream down the road.  Your economic plan as failed us all but we the people are the ones who suffer. 
We struggle to pay our bills, put gas in our cars and put food on the table.  How dare you stand in front of the worst economy in decades after almost four years of YOUR failed policy’s and try to play dodge ball.  You are not entitled to the oval office.  Take responsibility, own up to your failures and maybe people will respect you.

Common Sense says:  This president must go.  This country needs responsible leadership not pandering egos. No more whining Obama, you wanted this job so badly in 2008, you got it in 2008.  Now take responsibility.  (I feel like I am talking to a child, not an intellectual scholar)

Jared Taylor

Friday, September 28, 2012

U.S.P.S. For Sale

Why not, the government clearly cannot keep it sustainable in a changing market place.  The olde style business model has been updated from when they were established, but does not allow the USPS to remain a viable competitor in the free market.

Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe attempted to propose a free market solution to keep the USPS soluble, but was quickly rejected for many reasons amongst them where:

·         Closing 3,700 Locations
·         Consolidating hundreds of distribution centers

This proposal was an unfortunate necessity to stay soluble.  Instead, politicians rejected it to foot the bill to the American people who obviously do not utilize their services as they once did.  We pay the Post Office if we use them or not.  Does that make sense?

Common Sense says:  That does not make any sense on any level to anyone who has a level of basic business knowledge.

I apologize to the hundreds of thousands of hard working postal service works that could possibly be affected by this solution.  But there are solutions to relieving people of work as well.  Early retirement is a possible solution for a percentage of employees.  Which is occurring already. 
When large corporations down size, it is no easy task but out of survival instinct to remain afloat and continue supporting more employees than released, a select few are let go.  How employees are selected to be released is a per company decision, my guess they are going to look at cost of employee vs. output of employee work.

The United States Postal Service is a prime example of why the federal government should not be in the market place.  Many federal branches if released from government control would flourish.  While the big government types stay in power, they will keep their strangle hold on as much as they can for as long as they can.

Who wants the USPS to become a success to our economy rather than a drag?  How do we make it a success?

 Easy: USPS for SALE!

Jared Taylor

Invest in America, Invest In Your Country

A new tax, no surprise there, but from the U.N.?  What sovereign government are they?  Did planet earth suddenly vote to empower the U.N. to implement a new world tax?

Lots of questions can come of this new idea.  Such as, what’s the motive, how will it be used accurately, who will monitor it and how once the U.N. starts collecting, when the tax serves its original purpose, how will it stop?  (The last being of the most significant)

The devil is in the details.  Just the mere idea of a global tax is jaw dropping.  Why must those in elected positions always think they can solve all problems with more money.  “If everyone puts in enough money we can buy our way out.”  Yes?
No.  Here are two examples of huge budgets not producing in the US and someone still wanting more:
·         US Department of Education – Approximately $68.1 billion in discretionary appropriations

·         Rural Electrician – Approximately $5 billion budget

Government wise $5 billion is not exactly looked upon as a huge amount these days, which is sad.  I argue if you were to fund a global entrepreneur like Sir Richard Branson who over decades of hard work has amassed a value of an estimated $4.2 billion, how much money could he produce for how many people to create a good living on?  How would that help the recession that has gripped so much of the world?
Why not put the money the U.N. wastes on creating legitimacy for itself on the global stage and put that money into the hands of those who can produce?
Every country should suspend its contribution/dues to the U.N. for 5 years.  That money should be invested domestically on entrepreneurship to where that country sees fit to create more wealth.  Encourage the private market to invest and only those who are confident will risk, earning the reward. 
Those who are truly committed to the U.N. and agree with its ideals can volunteer as a charitable donation to the world if they still feel the U.N. brings true value.
The US alone in FY 2012 has an estimated tab/due of over $4 billion going to the U.N.  I would love to watch the US economy spurred by a $20 billion investment over five years into the private sector.  Watch successful business men and women all over from every type of business flourish, grow and create more jobs putting more people back to work.  A nice bi-product of more people back to work is the government collects more taxes.  My guess it would be more than the initial $20b investment, but that is what a solid investment looks like.  Invest, watch those who can produce turn that money into more money, everybody wins, you make more money back, while others continue to produce and make more money.

Common Sense says: Don’t tax the ultra-wealthy even more, encourage them to invest and create more wealth!  Budget approving elected officials handling mass amounts of funds that they did not earn themselves, but by collecting taxes should look to the experts of how to invest and produce.
Please President Obama, who held domestic infrastructure investment so high on his list in 2008, encourage the budget approves and the hands that feed by giving out money to seek expert advice from those who at their own risk earned their rewards.  Turn your back on the U.N. for allowing such a horrible idea to even be discussed.  Allow charitable donations to remain a personal responsibility of the people not a guarantee by the federal government.  Invest in the U.S.  I promise you, the people of the United States of America will succeed.  United We Stand, United We Fall.  America will not fail nor will we fall.

Jared Taylor

Monday, September 24, 2012

What's More Important National Security or The View

According to President Obama, The View is more important.  Or is it his bid for re-election?

How can a sitting President feel that sitting on a sofa yakking it up is more important than the national security of this country.

The answer is simple, re-election.

Consider this:
  • The View: Audience is primarily made up of women
  • Attend the show with his wife, show lots of affection and adoration for her.
  • Leave one of the most important meetings this country has had in a recent history concerning unrest in the Middle east to a woman. Sec. Hillary Clinton.

He is looking for support from the woman vote that has become extremely important for winning the oval office. His economic record which effects women just as much as men as been at best, poor. Obama needs another driving force to carry him to the win of the woman vote.

By nature women are more emotionally in touch than men. Men are more detached. It is impactful for a woman to see Obama sitting on a couch, hugging, smiling, adoring, promoting his wife than it is to a man. With recognition of above three simple points, it will be hugely impactful on the woman vote to see Obama laughing, yakking it up, promoting his wife and I am sure, talking about his trust and belief Hillary will do great in this meeting. This all adds up to something all women will want to vote for.

Of course not all woman are this naive or "emotional". That would be an unfair blanket statement generalizing millions.

I would still not be surprised if there is a bump in support for Obama by women.

This post is written to those who choose The View over National Security. I ask you to rethink your priorities.

If Iran obtains nuclear weapons due to lack of diplomacy and if needed, military action, and the United States of America is bombed, killing millions, possibly hundreds of millions, what would be more important then?  Sitting on a couch laughing or leading this country.

Common Sense Says: President Barrack Obama, rethink your priorities, what is more important, re-election or national security? How many leaders of the world will you ignore in an attempt to remain the sitting President? Please consider IF you win, how will these leaders respond to you when you try and call them back. My guess, you'll get their voicemail.

As President of the United States, national security is number one on your list of constitutional responsibilities, not guarantying health care. You will earn much more creditability putting your campaign efforts on hold for one week to lead this nation on foreign policy than sitting on a couch.

President Obama, put your ego aside and do what this country elected you to do, lead.  Not sit on the sideline on a couch and smile.

Jared Taylor

Thursday, September 20, 2012

United We Stand, Even Against D.C. When Required

On an economic level, I personally will side with a fiscal conservative more often than not. If you have read our post: Applying Common Sense Everywhere, you will see I take a very basic approach to spending; If you don't have it, don't spend it.

I have suggested to the more fiscally conservative campaign to arrange on a day prior to election that all that are unemployed, underemployed or even if you know someone who fits into un/under-employed status to meet at their local employment security office.

The intent is to be a non-partisan agenda, but unite the country with a single problem that affects all of us, directly or indirectly. It’s time America takes a stand and shows Washington D.C. they work for us.

If they are not doing everything with the power we bestowed on them to adhere to our Constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness, and align with our Declaration of Independence;

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Then it is time they leave Washington and make way for someone who will fight for us.

The federal government is not in the business of guarantees, if they were, we should request a refund. But we need to hold officials accountable.

Common Sense says: If I get reprimanded at work or even terminated for not doing my job or not doing my job well enough, Politian’s need to be held at the same level.

I truly hope something comes of this suggestion, it is best for our nation to stand together united under a common goal, bring D.C. back in our corner and come out swinging, gloves off at our Nation’s problems united. After all, we are the United States of America.

Jared Taylor

If you support this suggestion please share with as many as you can.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Ambition Surpassing Talent and Ability

President Barack Hussein Obama II is a classic case of ambition surpassing talent and ability.  I believe most who are not straight ticket voting Democrats will consider this statement.  Although he holds many talents and is an intelligent man, with good ideas, there are many short comings the United States has learned over his first term.

I believe America, misguided or not, where so desperate to vote against the Republicans in 2008, if the Democrats nominated Vladimir Lenin, even he may have won the oval office.  I won’t go into compare and contrast of the two, but you understand the point.  The country wanted change, and Obama promised just that.
President Obama’s determined ambition to out race the heavy hitting Clinton’s is a fantastic trait for the leader of the free world, but only if talent and ability are present to capitalize and follow through when title and authority are bestowed.  He knew his goal, to be President.  Like all politicians, he said whatever he needed to win.  He did whatever it took to achieve that goal. 

The reality is all of us need to weigh our personal thoughts as to what we believe is insufficient amount of talent and ability to fulfill ambitious words and promises like Obama gave.  Did the country get the change it really wanted?  Keep in mind it is easier to quarterback a Sunday game on Monday morning from an armchair. 
Just like four years ago, on Monday review, America decided it was time for a break from the Republicans.  Now review time Monday morning is upon us again.  This time after quarterback, I mean President Obama’s Sunday.  The question remains: Is he fit to lead next Sunday?

If this was a real football game, it would be interesting to see what type of odds Las Vegas would give Obama to play first string a second time.

Jared Taylor

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Term Limits and Service Pay for Elected Officials

We give the United States President term limits, but not other elected officials.  The president gets elected just like Congress does.  Why not term limits for them as well?
If you are enlisted in the United States Armored services, you are given a pay grade, based on, branch, rank, length of service and specialty training.  (To name some particulars)  Those who serve this country proudly and boldly even in the direct line of fire have an average starting pay of $28,377.27. ¹
The average salary for Rank-and-File Senators and Representatives in 2012 is $174,000.  Vice President earns a cushy $230,700 and the President, a comfortable $400,000. ²
Common denominators:
1.       Work for the people of the United States
2.       Have a high sense of patriotism and duty to their nation
3.       Funded trips around the US and the world
Behind Common denominators:
Government Officials:
1.       Most believe the people work or them
2.       Blinded by their own ideals and need of power
3.       To campaign for another few years of power and credential building
Government Service Men and Women:
1.       Sacrifice to serve the people
2.       Train to protect those who cannot protect themselves
3.       Free trips to combat zones and support bases

Common sense says:  For those in power, should be compensated the exact same way as those who sacrifice.  It is about service and patriotism to our nation.  Not money hunger, power gathering, get as much as I can from the country.  Elected officials should have term limits just like the President.  They can serve only for so long before being replaced by a like mind individual or a new thinking individual elected by the people.
Which Office would you prefer?

Office 1
Office 2

Don't worry common sense knows already it takes a special person to take office 1.  Be proud and honored there are those who take this office to keep us focused on office 2.
Jared Taylor